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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Unintentionally Fostering High-Maintenance in Children

November 22, 2017 0 Comments
As I listened to Michael McQueen's TED Talk about Generation Y and commonalities in their behaviors, I began to realize some fault in my own perspectives.

Generation Y is a function of the era that raised them. They've been told their whole lives messages from parents, educators, and society the following:
  • You are special.
  • You are unique.
  • You can do anything you want to do.
  • You can be anything you want to be.
  • Thank you for being here [at work / school / etc.] today.
This need to be constantly affirmed and validated drives the force of social media.  This is a generation of people who are often sheltered from criticism, which shape them into having a certain type of attitude, as you can imagine.  This is a breeding ground for mental illness. 

What I am realizing is that I should not be over-sheltering and sending these types of messages to my child - when I do have one of my own, that is.  Life isn't about being happy all the time -- hardships should be taken with grit and persistence to overcome, rather than allowing oneself to get overwhelmed once encountering a bump in the road.  It wouldn't do a child any good to have an inflated and false sense of self-esteem through the bulleted messages above, but rather, they should learn to work for and receive praise when truly worthy.  I need to be more careful about the intent of my praises, and stop giving empty ones such as thanking a child for "being here" or for "trying" when they aren't putting forth their best efforts.

Such a thought-provoking topic.

De-Coding the next generation, TED Talk by Michael McQueen

November 22, 2017 0 Comments

Another fascinating talk by a great speaker about Generation Y.

In this entertaining & engaging keynote presentation, Michael explores:
  • The FOUR LIES you have been told about Generation Y
  • The KEY CHALLENGES older generations face in communicating with & leading today’s youth
  • PRACTICAL STRATEGIES for engaging, motivating and equipping the next generation
Audience members leave this presentation with powerful insights into what is shaping Gen Y along with a game plan for engaging them in meaningful ways.

iGen, TED Talk by Jason Dorsey

November 22, 2017 0 Comments

I listened to Jason Dorsey's TED Talk about iGen (the generation born between 1996 and now), and feel quite enlightened about both details and the overarching, bigger picture about generations, technology, parenting, and behavior.  It's so fascinating.

Here are some main points from his talk:

Jason Dorsey, Millennials and iGen expert at The Center for Generational Kinetics, gave a TEDx talk this past month about the emerging generation iGen. Also called Gen Z, Generation Z or Centennials, this growing group is currently age 20 and under and soon to be the fastest growing generation in the workforce. The TEDx talk, which received a standing ovation, focused on three touch points: diversity, technology and parenting. Dorsey offered unique insight into iGen while also discussing how the different generations are changing and influencing each other. He covered the following overarching lessons: 
  • iGen is shaped by its experiences. They have no recollection of 9/11 and will never remember a time before we had an African American president or gay marriage was legal. These are not just non-issues, they are history.
  • iGen is the most diverse generation in U.S. history, so diverse that they do not see diversity unless it’s absent.
  • iGen’s attitudes toward technology and their true dependence on it provides the best snapshot we have of future technology usage for each of us.
  • Parenting is the greatest trend that affects behavior. It's the greatest trend that is influencing behavior across generations. Gen X and Millennials are parenting iGen.
  • Generations are dividing and will get shorter in duration. As the pace of change increases, we could end up with six to seven generations at one time.
  • Millennials are splitting into two trajectories at age 30, one group that is getting a job, getting married, having kids, and the other that is not creating real world traction.
  • As we head into 2016, there are more defined generation groups than ever before, with Boomers, Gen X and iGen all co-existing and set to sit around the holiday table.
iGen is influencing the behavior of the other generations, especially in regard to technology. Millennials, Generation X and Baby Boomers will eventually adopt many of the habits and attitudes that iGen already views as normal. Shared Dorsey, “This happens because technology trends ripple up from the youngest adults to the oldest. It is our belief that older generations will end up looking more like iGen than they will look like us. Seven-year-olds today in the U.S. may actually have more in common with seven-year-olds in India than a 65-year-old in their own country!”

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Crochet Dress Potholders

November 18, 2017 0 Comments
Crocheting is such a therapy for me!  I whipped up this dress potholder design in-between a couple of my large (and seemingly never-ending) WIP projects.  It was so satisfying to start and finish a project within a half-day period.  I'll be writing up the pattern later on, and can't wait to try this with a few other variations that I have in mind. 

Friday, November 10, 2017